May 2024

On May 1, TAUP向大学代表提供了一份他们要求的经济反提案, along with a counter related to noneconomic issues. Within the same bargaining session, 这所大学对经济和非经济问题作出了全面的回应. 


  • 兼职教师第一年的最低学分从1美元提高了28%,600 to $2,050, retroactive for the fall 2023 semester, bringing the minimum for a three-credit course from $4,800 to $6,150. Most courses taught by adjunct faculty are three-credit courses.
  • 每年增加兼职教员的最低学分, beginning with the fall 2024 semester. 
  • 连续工作至少5年以上的兼职教师的多学期任用. Currently, adjunct contracts are renewed for individual semesters. 

Additionally, 该大学的经济反提案建立在之前的报价基础上,超过了TAUP之前四年协议中全面和择优录取的增长.

  • 该大学目前的提议相当于至少增加13%的工资, without merit increases, over the life of the contract, 工资水平较低的人加薪幅度最大.
  • The university’s offer includes base salary increases of 4% or $4,1万(两者中较大者)为第一年全职议价单位雇员, 工资水平较低的人加薪幅度最大, along with a 1% merit pool, and then 2.25%的全面加薪,并在接下来的四年中每年增加1%的人才库. 
  • By comparison, PG电子试玩平台和TAUP之间的最后一次集体谈判协议(2019年10月至2023年10月)达到了7美元.25% raise over the life of the contract without merit. The agreement included base salary increases of 1.625%, 1% merit pool and additional 0.25–0.头两年75%的绩效加薪和2%的全面加薪, 1% merit pool with an additional 0–0.5% merit pool for the remaining two years.


April 2024

On April 10, in response to the economic proposal TAUP presented on April 2, 大学代表提出了一项全面的经济反提案,建议增加福利和补偿. 


Compensation Increases  

  • Retroactive to July 1, 2023, 全职谈判单位员工将获得4%或3美元,750 raise, the larger number of the two. In addition, there will be an additional 1% merit pool; and then 2% across the board raises with an additional 1% merit pool in each of the next four years.  

  • Retroactive to the fall 2023 semester, 兼职教师的每学分最低标准将从1美元提高19%,550 to $1,850, putting it well above the average Philadelphia rate of $1,600 per credit. 从2023年秋季和/或2024年春季开始,在议价单位工作的兼职教师,如果收入超过最低标准,将获得450美元的一次性付款, 从2024年秋季学期开始,每学分最低附加费每年将增加50美元. 

  • 所有员工类别的最低工资涨幅从12%到72%不等. 

Job Security 

  • 未续约的长期非终身教职(NTT)教师的遣散费  

  • 延期取消课程的补偿金将从4%提高到10%. 

Benefit Increases 

  • NTT教师的大学退休供款将增加到8.5%, providing equity between NTT and tenured/tenure-track faculty.  

  • Addition of prescription coverage for adjunct faculty  

  • Paid parental leave for librarians and academic professionals  

  • 短期残疾津贴从每周225美元增加到每周350美元, 或者有机会参加另一所提供60%薪水的大学计划 

这所大学最近提出的反对提案以5月15日之前获得批准为条件, 2024, and if ratification occurs, 这个集体谈判协议将一直有效到6月30日, 2028.

March 2024


During the March 18 session, TAUP提交了一份反提案,以回应该大学2月11日提交的经济提案. 26.

After reviewing the counter proposal from TAUP, 大学利用3月25日的会议讨论了提案的具体内容,并提出了几个深入的问题,以更好地了解提案和工会的目标,以便双方能够更接近达成协议.

February 2024

PG电子试玩平台的代表首先向TAUP代表提出了一揽子经济方案, on the condition that it be ratified by March 31, 2024. View the full economic package, which included the following.

  • Retroactive to July 1, 2023, 全职谈判单位员工全面加薪4%, with another 1% merit pool; and then 2% across the board raises with an additional 1% merit pool in each of the next four years. 
  • 从2023年秋季学期开始,每学分的最低附加费将为1800美元(上涨12.2%).5% from $1,600). 从2023年秋季和/或2024年春季开始,在议价单位工作的兼职教师,如果收入超过最低标准,将获得400美元的一次性付款, less required withholdings and deductions, paid within 30 days of ratification. 从2024年秋季学期开始,每学分最低附加费将每年增加50美元.
  • 图书馆员和学术专业人员将有资格根据坦普尔适用于非代表坦普尔员工的政策享受带薪育儿假.
  • 图书馆馆员和学术专业人士将有资格获得短期残疾福利,其条款与PG电子试玩平台APP非代表员工相同.

January 2024

PG电子试玩平台APP官员和TAUP就新合同中的几项建议和语言达成了初步协议, including

  • revisions to the grievance and arbitration processes,
  • the formalization of scheduled time off for librarians,
  • the use of gender-neutral language in the new CBA, and 
  • 删除合同中不再相关的日期材料.

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